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A Bold Peace

Thursday, April 5, 2018 - 8:00pm
  • Doors at 7:30pm
  • Movie at 8:00pm
  • Cost: $5-$10 to pay the film-maker
  • Please bring friends and BYOB
  • Admission is usually by donation unless noted
  • Discussion Follows
    Special guests Dave Logsden of Vets for Peace and Lucia Wilkes Smith from WAMM will talk with Casket Cinema co-founder Wilbur Ince for a post -film salon. 

Casket Cinema goes back to our war & peace roots with the documentary “A Bold Peace”. The documentary investigates the history of Costa Rica’s decision to become a peaceful nation and abandon its’ military. The movie illuminates us with the multiple instances when nation has had to defend its peace from within and from outside forces. A must see for peace-lovers, historians and change-makers - this will be the movie for you!

Over 60 years ago, Costa Rica became one of the only nations in the world to disband their military and to redirect national resources towards education, health, and the environment. Since then, Costa Rica has earned the number one spot in the Happy Planet Index, a ranking of countries based on measures of environmental protection and the happiness and health of its citizens.  And the World Database of Happiness, with data on 149 nations compiled by a Dutch sociologist, lists Costa Rica as number one in self-reported happiness and number one in happy life years.

A Bold Peace juxtaposes the national policy of demilitarization (since 1948-49) with their investment in education, health, and the environment. Pointed parallels and contrasts are made with recent U.S. debates over the national debt, healthcare, the environment and the escalating cost of U.S. militarism. The film features former presidents, Costa Rican government officials, as well as scholars, journalists and citizens of Costa Rica.