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Population & Parenthood

Friday, September 14, 2018 - 8:00pm
  • Doors at 7:30pm
  • Movie Clips and Program Start at 8:00pm
  • Cost: suggested donation of $10-$20 to pay the filmmakers
  • Please bring friends and BYOB.
  • Admission is usually by donation unless noted. 

Casket Cinema kicks off our 11th season with a special Friday night screening, on September 14th at 8pm. We will be showcasing 2 sneak peeks of clips from documentary films in production about population & parent (or non-parent) hood. 

The films are “8 Billion Angels” and “To Kid or Not To Kid”. Each film is still in post-production and will be premiering at festivals next year.

After each clip, we will be simulcasting conversations with the filmmakers. Instead of just seeing a film, we'll have a chance to influence the content and direction of these projects via discussion with the director! 

This unique evening is the brainchild of Casket Cinema veteran Dave Gardner and casket co-founder Wilbur Ince. Gardner’s  film “Growthbusters” screened with us years ago. He is now executive director of the org. World Population Balance, and will be in the house for the event!    

This program will be a fascinating night for anyone who loves documentaries, is interested in the subject of global population, economic growth and to have a child or not have a child. It will also be a very good event for any audience members to get to know the organization World Population Balance.

Special Guests

Special guests for this Casket are Dave Gardner of World Population Balance and the filmmakers Terry Spahr and Maxine Trump.  They will talk with Casket Cinema co-founder Wilbur Ince after their films via zoom or pre-recorded conversation.


Please RSVP and get more info on this screening at the Casket Cinema Facebook page:
Population and Parenthood - event listing on Facebook

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8 Billion Angels: Are There Too Many of Us for Planet Earth?

Maxine Trump – To Kid or Not to Kid: Breaking the myth that if you don't have kids, you're weird, selfish, or somehow wrong.