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Thursday, April 2, 2015 - 7:30pm
Casket Cinema is pleased to present Starfish Throwers with a special guest apperance with local director Jesse Roesler! Michael Gmitter of the Helping Hands Food Pantry just confirmed as a special guest for Thursday and will also be the food shelf for your donations!
Thursday, May 7, 2015 - 8:00pm
The human scale questions our assumptions about modernity, exploring what happens when we put people into the center of our equations. For 40 years the Danish architect Jan Gehl has systematically studied human behavior in cities. His starting point was an interest in people, more than buildings – in what he called Life Between Buildings. What made it exist? When was it destroyed? How could it be brought back? This lead to studies of how human beings use the streets, how they walk, see, rest, meet, interact etc. Jan Gehl also uses statistics, but the questions he asks are different.
Thursday, February 5, 2015 - 8:00pm
For the next Casket we go west, to show you the award winning documentary, Bidder 70. This is powerful story of environmental activist Tim De Christophers and his amazing and effective acts of civil disobedience against the government. The directors follow the subject for years as they go in-depth to tell this story. This movie will challenge and may even light your fires of activism. Joining us after the film for a salon discussion will be special guest Andy Pearson of This promises to be a very special evening of awareness and passion to how each of us can be or recharge our climate activism. We will have on hand, info and petitions to plug you into the movement.
Thursday, January 8, 2015 - 8:00pm
For the New Year Casket we are going bottoms up and will turn stereotypes upside down and lead you into the world of lady brewers, in the film, "The Love of Beer".
We will be joined by a fantastic panel of local women involved in the Twin Cities brewing scene. Gera Exire Latour will lead a panel discussion with Tara Alcure, Kathleen Culhane and Rachel Grey.
Thursday, September 18, 2014 - 8:00pm
For September 11th, Casket Cinema drills deep for truth with director Josh Fox's sequel "Gasland Part 2" In the new film, Fox points his investigative lens to extract more dirty dealings of Big Oil as they frack across the USA for fossil fuels. The director flies high over the Gulf of Mexico to witness the Deepwater Horizon spill, talks with the well cement expert on why the oil wells leak, uncovers sensitive documents how mining is using psychological warfare techniques to divide communities and comes back full circle in his fight to save his country home in Pennsylvania.
Thursday, February 6, 2014 - 8:00pm
On February 6th, 8pm Casket Cinema will present CRAFTING A NATION. A new film which travels the country documenting the exploding craft brewing industry. The film expertly portrays the difficulty and risk many of these young entrepreneurs take by betting it all on their dream brewery. Minneapolis is one of the many cities recorded in the movie with the local breweries; INDEED, HARRIET and FULTON are some of the local taprooms they filmed in Minnesota.
Thursday, January 9, 2014 - 8:00pm
On January 9th, 8pm Casket Cinema will present OCCUPY LOVE, the new documentary on the Occupy Movement by Canadian Filmmaker Velcrow Ripper. The movie is a rare indie media look inside the protest movement. It travels across the globe visiting Occupy sites to ask the question “How could the crisis we are facing become a love story?”. The film makes out of the box connections the Occupy Movement shares with the Egyptian Revolution, the Indignado uprising in Spain with the Indigenous activists at the Alberta Tar Sands, the climate justice movement, and beyond.
Thursday, November 7, 2013 - 8:00pm
On November 7th, 8pm Casket Cinema will present THE PRICE OF SAND, the new documentary on Wisconsin Sand mining by local director Jim Tittle. The movie goes in depth on how a mine opened in western part of the state and quickly divided the community. It is a very personal and important investigation of mining, community, business and quality of life. The director will be present afterwards to talk with Mark Wojahn and other special guests. The Q&A takes the mission in the movie farther. We believe in sitting down and talking about issues is part of our responsibility as citizens.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm
Special Tuesday edition! Doors at 7:00pm, movie at 7:30pm, discussion follows. Casket Cinema is delighted to present GrowthBusters. Our guest speaker will be Dave Paxson, of World Population Balance (